Asset Protection Trust

Asset Protection Trust – Equality SMART

Asset Protection Trust

The Critical Factors That Decide Whether Or Not You Will Have To Pay For Long Term Care

 What everyone needs to know about the devastating impact on their potential inheritance in order to pay for the long term needs of an elderly parent

Did you know that every year in the UK – 1 in 6 MEN and 1 in 4 WOMAN over 65 will go into care – Are You Going To Be One Of Them?

Are you determined to STOP THE local authority taking all your assets — including your house — to pay for care costs? With only your last £14,500 protected NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT to ensure you continue to have a lifetime interest in your assets.

Are Care Home fees another financial scandal affecting one of the most vulnerable groups of people and exactly where do you stand?  For many it seems like a postcode lottery or is having a bit more knowledge enough to determine who pays what?

The recently proposed changes sounded like a welcome relief to this very controversial issue but exactly how generous are they?

Are you REALLY serious about taking control of the LONG TERM PRESERVATION of your estate for your children and grandchildren?

After paying taxes throughout our lives, you might expect that if required long term care will be provided if ever needed in later life. Unfortunately what most people do not realise to their cost – that its means tested.

After taking into account your house and assets including any savings and amount to more than £23500, then you will be expected to pay for that care yourself less any free personal care allowances.

Care home funding is not cheap

With residential care costs running at £25,000 to £50,000 every year; it will not take long for you hard earned savings to disappear entirely.

So what are your options:-

We would not recommend doing nothing and hope that your assets are not put at risk.

There are stringent rules in place regarding transferring your assets to your family that could incur Capital Gains Tax. You may not wish to lose control if anything goes wrong including divorce or bankruptcy. Again, we don’t recommend this.

If your assets are transferred safely into an asset protection trust, they will not be included as part of your wealth. You`ll avoid your estate being used to cover care costs and your beneficiaries will receive their entire legacy.

What are you doing to ensure you are one residential care home winners?

Why not take the first step today to gain access to the knowledge and wisdom of Asset Protection Experts.

As one of U.K.’s most respected financial planning firms we are fully invested in our clients, meaning our insights and advice that will be clear, relevant, actionable and achievable, showing you in practicable steps how you can get there from here.

Call us today at for your free consultation or click the box below to have our asset protection trust expert call you at a time that suits.

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More important information how you’re Assets are considered for Long Term Care?

A Doctor, in conjunction with the family, will decide whether you need long term care.

If you need nursing care, the Council must arrange for the care and they must pay for it.

The council has the right to try and recover these costs and they may try to do this. It is more difficult for them to recover costs as the assets are no longer in your name, but in the name of the Trust. The Solicitor Trustees will always deal with the Local Authority and respond to any challenge.

The Council will fund your care up to their maximum funding rate but the Care Homes normally settle for this amount instead of demanding the private rate.

If your assets are greater than

If your assets are between

If your assets are below



£14,250 – £23,250




£23,250 – £23,250




£15,250 – £24,750


N. Ireland


£14,250- £23,250


You will be told you have to pay for Care. However, you may not have been told that you could be eligible for free NHS Continuing Healthcare

You will be told to pay for some of your care.

Your local authority will pay for your care, but will still take a proportion of your income


Apart from care costs, the Asset Protection Trust has other big advantages.

It will avoid Executory procedure on your death and save money.

  1. If most of your assets are in the trust then there will be no Executory Costs and your estate can be paid over to your beneficiaries without delay, usually within a couple of weeks.
  2. On death, estates normally cannot be paid out within the first 6 months, and can take up to two years to complete. Assets in a Trust are paid out immediately.
  3. Even if you have a mortgage on your property which you do not want to pay off, then we can, in some cases, still set up a Assets Protection Trust, as long as the lender agrees.

To find out more about Asset Protection Trusts and to get the advice you need, then please contact us on our free phone number to get started with your FREE complimentary review.


Asset Protection Trust FAQ:

Why is it important?

If the time comes when you do need to go into care, you may find that the assets like your home that’s taken a lifetime to accumulate, can be used for the cost of care rather than going directly to your beneficiaries.

My family will take of me – Lots of things can change in your lifetime – we are seeing more children become dependent on their parents again due to the economic climate – it may never happen but the current fact speak for themselves that 1 in 4 men and 1 in 3 women unfortunately have to go into care when they are over 65.

Will I get any benefit from it? – Like all things in life it is about making a plan for the eventuality – if the result can save you a significant sum in care costs then it is obviously worth it. Saving on expensive legal probate costs will be of value also.

What if I don’t go into care? – Winding up your estate can be costly and time consuming so you will see the benefit by avoiding the in the costs and difficulty involved, in winding up your estate. A solicitor needs appointed when you die to carry out the necessary executory work particularly if the house is in your name and can be expensive. However if you have taken the right steps and you have appointed you home to the Trust then you will find that the Trustees can complete things quickly and efficiently on your behalf.

What is the Solicitors role? – Keeping control as a Trustee will be important for you, so if you need to make any key changes or decisions about the Trust your appointed solicitor will always be on your side providing more peace of mind that you can’t be outvoted.

Can I trust the Solicitors? – Solicitors have a duty of care and are bound by the laws of their profession by The Law Society in England and Wales and also The Law Society of Scotland and they cannot benefit from the Trust directly as named beneficiaries.

What are the ongoing fees and costs? – There are NO ongoing fees. With this scheme you pay the fee to set up the Trust at the outset and have nothing further to pay unless you go into care and there is a dispute with the Council, which is very rare.

What kinds of assets can be placed in the Trust? – You are not means tested by the local authority on any capital up to £14500 and is ignored – you will tend to look first at other assets like your house, we will advice you on what would be best suited to being allocated to your Trust.

Can other assets be added at a later date? – You can, as assets can be placed in the trust at a later although, this will start the 6 month clock ticking on that particular asset.

Is there any limit on the value of assets placed with the Trust? – The Asset Protection Trust will usually hold assets up to the value of the current Nil Rate Band (£325,000 for the tax year 2010/11) for each client, as any assets in excess of this would create an immediate charge to lifetime Inheritance Tax of 40%. There are however a number of other options to safeguard your assets if 2 Trusts do not cover your entire estate.

When is the best time to set up the Trust? – We would recommend as quickly as possible after you have considered all you options. You will always be under scrutiny from Local Authorities to look back and review the circumstances in which a Family Protection Trust was set up at any time. You will have less to worry about if it was apparent you had expectation in entering long term care.

Can I change my mind? – You have control so if anything changes you will have the choice for everything to revert to the way it was in your name only.

Can I move house? – Yes, since you control the Trust you can move house in the usual way except that the deeds are signed by all the Trustees rather than by you alone; but that makes no difference.

What happens if one of us dies? – Nothing. The Trust, and the protection that is provides, simply continues as before until the second person dies. The survivor continues to retain control of the Trust.

What happens if one of the other Trustees die? – A new Trustee is simply assumed in their place.

Who gets my estate when I die? – You will decide you your named beneficiaries are in your Will and letter of wishes. The Trustees will then look to execute your wishes in a timely fashion. Having two Solicitor Trustees ensures this happens quickly and efficiently.

To find out more about Asset Protection Trusts and to get the advice you need, then please contact us on our free phone number to get started with your FREE complimentary review.